Dear Cat,

Merry Christmas! It's always so fun getting to see you over the holidays; you're getting so, well, old, and frankly, it's a little terrifying. I can still remember celebrating your first Christmas with you, or leaving reindeer tracks outside one year to help convince you Santa had come. Of all your "eras" (hehe), I've never been prouder of you than I am now; you're thriving, you're an incredible dancer, you're doing amazing in school (97.2 ain't half bad...), and it seems like you're having a bunch of fun in Toronto with your friends.

No matter how high you soar, make sure you always know that there's a soft landing waiting for you if you ever need it - your family. For Christmas this year, I picked you up something that might help us learn a little bit more about that family!

I do hope you're able to survive the next ~312 hours with Dad, when I fly out in ~48 (hahaha), I'll be sure to say a little prayer on your behalf. I can't wait to see you sometime in the new year, hopefully for one of your performances! And of course, while I'm down, we'll have to find some time for you to kick my ass in some spin classes again :)

Love you,
